Collin has become very vocal. He definitely lets you know when he is happy, he squeals really loud and has the biggest smile you have ever seen. When he sees people that he is around and knows he gives big smiles, but if he has not seen you before, he wrinkles up his skin in between his eyes and tries to decide whether or not he likes you.. it is cute just to watch the process he has with each new person.
When he is unhappy aka (wants to be picked up, feed him, change him, sleepy, or just wants mommy) he has a sound that sounds like mmuuummm and he starts off soft with this sound and then it gets louder and louder and louder. Until I just give in or I will pull all of my hair out. On another note, the mmmmuuummm sound sure is close to mama.... Which now I can only imagine him screaming mama all the time..
We went on our first trip out of town, that was an adventure in so many ways. I packed entirely way too much stuff, but I had no idea what Collin would need. Now I know that I do not need 5 suitcases for an infant. LOL. He did so good on the trip though, we went to Houston for 4 nights while Josh was in training and Collin was perfect. He slept like an angel each night. It could not have been any better. Plus we got to see lots of old friends that we haven't seen in forever.
We are going again on Monday back to Houston for 3 nights. I really hope Collin likes it just as much as the first time.
Here are a couple of his stats for 5 months.
5 - 4-6 oz bottles a day
Eating baby food 3 times a day
In size 3 diapers
Wearing 6-9 month clothing (more shirts and shorts, than onesies)
He is 17.5 lbs
Sleeping from 7:30p ish to 7:30a ish with 2 bottles somewhere in the night. (this is still changing)
Still very unhappy with tummy time
Loves to stand and can hold himself up against the couch. (I think we are going to skip crawling and just start walking)
Loves to give tight hugs and boy can he pull my hair, I think I might go bald if we keep this up.....
Absolutley in love with Elmo
Spending time outside
Playing with his cousin Brian
Sitting in his favorite chair, or his throne
I eat with my shirt off
Some people say this outfit makes me look like a girl
Watching tv and chewing on my fingers,,, I do this a lot
I look good in mommy's sunglasses
Sitting with my great great aunt Alberta... having some lunch
My first time to sit in my stroller with out the infant seat.. I am a big boy
At the Victoria livestock show.
Cutie pie! Charlotte loves Elmo too!!