So Collin had his 4 month check up on Tuesday, Valentine's Day.
He now weighs 16.8 lbs (wow is he getting big) he is 25.5 inches long and his head is 17.25 around.
The whole check up went really well, today we didn't see the doctor, we had to see the PA, but Collin likes her too. She said that Collin is doing great. She said his height was 50th percentile, weight was 60th percentile and his head was in the 70th percentile.. (oh lord my kid already has a big head.. lol) I told her about how he is eating and how much he loves baby food. She said that it was fine, as long as he is hungry and eating the baby food I call still feed him the way I have. I told her I was a little worried about how fast he went to baby food and how much he likes it. She said some babies just take to eating and wanting baby food faster than others and it is okay.
Collin is eating baby food three times a day - Gerber Baby Food size 1
Around nine each morning he has 1 tablespoon of oatmeal mixed with one scoop of formula and some water. And he also has half of a container of a vegetable baby food.
Then around 1 he has half of a container of a fruit baby food. (he loves apples and pears)
Then around 6:30pm he gets both of the halves that were left over from the day. The one that has the least amount in it, I add 1 tablespoon of oatmeal too it. (We have went through all the vegetables that are size 1. He loves them all.
He is also having 6 to 8 ... 4 to 6 oz bottles a day.
The doctor said this is all normal and he is a growing boy. She also did a couple of exercises with him. She made him do a baby sit up with him holding her fingers and he did that super easy. Then she had him hold her fingers and see if he could stand up. He did that too. She was very impressed that he was able to pull himself up. She said that he was very strong for his age and that I must work with him a lot at home... (this was my proud mommy moment at the Dr, since I already thought he might be eating too much)
Collin is still in size 2 diapers but we will be moving to 3 soon.
So at the end of the visit it was time for his shots, (I hate this part, when they poke him he cries so loud and stares at me (asking why are they doing this to me) I hold his little fingers and he squeezes them so hard. Then it is all over and he is holding me so tight. She told me that he might run some fever after this round of shots and that it is normal. I didn't think anything of it because last time he got these same shots he was a little sleepy but no fever.
Well it didn't go that way, Tuesday night he ran 102 fever and he had to take Tylenol every 4 hours for the whole day Wed. Up until about 9 o'clock Wednesday night when the fever finally went away. I felt so bad for him, no smiles and he looked like a zombie. But from 9pm to 10pm he wanted to play again (which he should have been in bed sleeping) but since he was happy and alert and full of smiles we played for an hour and had lots of laughs. He finally went to sleep at 10 and he slept all the way till 7 this morning. HIS FIRST TIME TO SLEEP 9 HOURS STRAIGHT!!! yay.. and I got some much needed sleep too.
Some other little things he is doing, is he is babbling up a storm, especially when you change his diaper he talks and talks with lots of facial expressions, so cute. We are still working on tummy time, he doesn't like it very much but he can push up with both arms and hold his head up high. He loves for you to hold him and he bounces with his legs and dances side to side. This is what we do a lot during the day and I get a ton of smiles.
That should wrap it up for now. I love that I am able to stay home with him, he is growing up so fast.
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