

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Miss Emily is 4 weeks

Our little sleeper....

Tomorrow Emily will be 4 weeks old. And of course what everyone else always says, man time flies by so fast.  We could not be any happier. She is doing so good, but I really wanted to say what a good sleeper she is. And for all you other mommies out there you know how excited we get when we get a couple of hours sleep ourselves. Well, at first we were doing the one to two hours of sleep and I felt like we were going to have a repeat of Collin. He had a such a hard time sleeping until about 6 months. But our little girl is doing so well. For the last 4 nights she is sleeping 4 to 5 hours and then back down for 3 more hours.. To me this is just unheard of. But I am so grateful.  And so is Josh... Ok, enough about her sleeping. I was just excited.

She is doing great all around eating and sleeping really well. She is able to lift her head all the way up and is very strong.  She does have a little bit of a stuffy nose right now, but I think this is just normal. We don't go back to the doctor until her 2 month check up.

Now a little bit about this past weekend. Since Emily was two weeks old, she has been on the go. I didn't feel like we had to be confined to the house like we did with Collin in the beginning. so we are always doing something. Going out to eat, shopping or visiting family out the in country. We are non stop.

So this past weekend we went to Port A. We went to visit my cousin Christy and her family who had a condo right on the beach. Collin loved it! He had so much fun playing with his cousins playing on the beach and at the pool. He is becoming much braver when it comes to water. We found out if his cousin Lexi did it, then he wanted to play copy cat.  So jumping off the side of the pool became a fun game. Now, Collin did have his moments too, he wanted the colors, and the next thing I know he is coloring all over the kitchen cabinets in the condo.. OH NO!!! Luckily with a little bit of bleach we were able to get all the marks off. No more colors...

Emily did so well too, she slept well in the travel pack in play. She even came out to the beach with us for 30 mins.

Yes it is taking time for our family to get adjusted, but things are much easier than I imagined. We are taking each day, one day at a time and loving it.  I have to go back to work Sept 23rd, I am cherishing each day I have at home with her.

Tanning in the backyard

Out to lunch with her Great Aunt Donna

This is an old pic, but this is me 10 days before her arrival.

Collin having fun at the beach in Port A

Collin and Lexi playing in the sand at Port A

Me and Emily hanging out on the patio in Port A
Me and my Little Man in Port A

Me and Emily out to lunch with the Cousins

I love her new outfit

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