I say this over and over again, I really do wish I was better at this. But finding time to do anything is hard to do... But enough complaining lets get started....
It has been two months since the last time I was able to blog. And of course so much has happened it seems like I would have to write a book to tell you all about it.
But here are some highlights.
To start, I left off with Collin was going to go to his first day of Daycare.....
OH DAYCARE..... Collin does not mind going, sometimes he cries when we leave or drop him off but sometimes he can not wait until we put him down and he wants to go play with the other kids. So there are a lot of pros and cons to daycare.
Here are a couple. PROS...
1. They are always open, I never have to worry if they will be able to watch him. Plus they are open from 6am to 6pm so that really helps a lot with the two of us going to work and working odd hours some days.
2. He loves playing with the other kids, I really believe that he has learned so many new things just from watching the others play.
3. I trust his teachers, they always give me a report of how he does each day.
- CONS... which are starting to out weigh the pros... but everyone keeps telling me hang in there it will get better....
1. HE WILL NOT SLEEP. poor baby, it has been two months and he will not take naps at day care. I get his report each day and some days there are no naps at all and some days he sleeps maybe 30 mins or maybe an hour. So by the time he gets home he is so tired. I have asked if there is anything we can do, but not really, they have to keep all the lights on for all the other babies in the room and it can be noisy since the other babies my cry or laugh and Collin does not get any rest... (But the days we are at home, he take 2, 2 hour naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.)
2. Of the 9 weeks that he has been there, I would say we have been 20 days sick at home. He has caught every sickness known.. it seems. tummy virus, colds, pneumonia, upper respiratory infection, other virus. We have been to the doctor more in the past two months, than his whole life.. ERRRR. I just really want my baby to feel better and be happy.
So that is my saga of Daycare so far, we are going to keep at it for the time being, I just hope his immune system can keep up.
Now for the fun exciting things he has been up to.. The baby that makes me smile every day...
Collin is growing up into such a little man. He has such a funny personality that is forever changing.
He laughs and smiles at things he things are funny, he growls when he is frustrated, he screams when he is mad, SCREAMS loud if he is not getting his way. (Yes my child can throw a big temper tantrum at the age of 11 months....) My parents say he is very dramatic just like his mommy.. HA HA! He coos when his does not feel good and loves to cuddle. And the only words (sounds) he says is, ba ba and da da.
He is eating table food now, every once in a while we are still giving his Gerber baby food, but mostly table food. Loves, fish sticks and chicken nuggets with ketchup. mac and cheese, peas, green beans, pork and beans, and a all time favorite is any Mexican restaurant with beans and rice. OH My.
He is still having 4 to 5 bottles a day that are 4 oz each. Mostly to get him to sleep. Throughout the rest of the day he has juice and water out of sippy cups. Starting Monday we are going to go to half formula and half whole milk. I have let him drink milk from my cup and he loves it, so I don't think this is going to be a hard transition for him.
In the past two months he has become an expert crawler to a couch and table walker, to now we are pushing all the walking toys. He can even walk with me, as long as he can hold on to one of my fingers. I have a feeling very soon he will be cruising on his own.
The last doctors visit we went to he was 23 lbs and 30 inches long.. 90% for his age.. We are going to have one tall young man. He is wearing 12 to 18 month clothing and size 3 diapers. No shoes yet still bare feet, but we did by him so really cool Nikes last week.
His grandma and grandpa came down from Oklahoma to see him 2 weeks ago and we had a great visit. We went to Texas State Aquarium and Collin loved seeing the fish.
The first week of October we are flying to Oklahoma so that Collin can see the rest of his family and meet all of his cousins. This will be Collin's first time to fly too, this mommy is a little nervous.
Collin will be 1 year old in 20 days.. He gets to have 2 birthday parties, one here at home and one in Oklahoma... Oh what am I to do with all these toys....????? :-)
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