

Monday, June 4, 2012

8 Months Old and some new news....

Collin turned 8 months old last week. He is turning into such a little stinker. I must admit that my child is very spoiled. I know its my fault but I could not help it. Being a stay at home mommy makes it too easy to spoil your little one.
We are really working hard on crawling. He is still not very happy with it at all, but we are making progress. He is now able to lift up his upper body and extend both of his arms to support his weight. The next challenge was to convince him he needed to lift his booty up and put his knees under him, this is tough. But we have gotten to the point where he now rocks back and forth. He is still very grumpy that I am trying to get him to try this a couple of times a day.
And then of course once he fusses too much or just out right cries, I give in, and pick him up or I put him in his walker and I get huge smiles and laughs... Its like he is laughing at me "ha ha ha.. I got my way" I just tell him, "just wait mister....your time is coming" We have these eye contact conversations all the time. I know.. crazy. But its the life at our house.
So he is IN LOVE with his walker. If I am walking with him across the house and he sees the walker, he gets all excited and cannot wait for me to put him in it, unfortunately the first thing he goes for the in the walker is the doggie water bowl, and sure enough about every other day it gets flipped over and I have to clean up all the water.

As you can tell our house in NEVER boring. We are always on the go and Collin keeps us very busy. I love every second of it. I am so happy every day that I have got to spend at home with him to watch him grown up.
Collin is still eating like a champ, we are trying more and more grown-up foods. Eggs are his favorite. I think he would be happy if he could eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We also introduced the sippy cup, but he would rather drink out of my glass, and he also knows how to suck out of straws. He can take big gulps from my sonic drink. This kid loves unsweet TEA.. I try juices, but unsweet tea or water is what he prefers. So I had to go out and get some decaf unsweet tea.

Sleeping is still a mountain we are trying to climb. Collin is still going to bed around 7:30pm but wakes up 1 to 2 times a night wanting a bottle. I just keep telling my self one day.. We will sleep through the night.

Collin now has two little teethies. But my poor baby is very unhappy when his is teething. I feel so bad for him. He has been running fever with this second tooth. I hope this doesn't happen with all the other teeth to come.

He is still babbling away but no real words other than Mama when he is crying. But his facial reactions to things are priceless. Sometimes I wish I could keep a video camera on him 24/7 it cracks me up. We are still in size three diapers, but we are almost ready to go to fours. He is getting so much bigger and Stronger each day.

In two weeks we are heading to Wimberely for our week long family vacation we take each year. It will be Collin's first trip. I hope he loves it as much as I do. I have been going there every year since I was a baby too, and I would not miss it for the world.

Here are some 8 Month Photos

My sweet baby boy, I love this photo, one of my favorites.

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