

Monday, December 12, 2011

2 month shots

Today's doctors visit went really well. 30 mins before his appointment I gave him a half a dose of Tylenol. I am really glad I did, he was much more relaxed and did really good. His check up with the doctor went really well, he said he was a very healthy baby. He was 16 inches around his head, 23 inches long, 12lbs 1 oz. 50 percentile on all. The dr said we could start solids at 4 months. Then it was time for the nurse to come in for the shots. He had 3 shots and one oral med. He took the oral med no problem. I stood over him and let him hold on tight to my fingers. The first shot he screamed so hard I felt so bad for him. The next two were not has bad as the first one but once it was over I held him tight and wiped away the tears and he was okay. This afternoon he has just been really sleepy. No fever which is really good. We go to our next doctor appointment February 14th valentine's day. Very proud of my little one. And me too, I didn't cry.

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