

Friday, September 2, 2011

The most eventful day...4 more weeks

So I have been reading a lot lately about things  you can do to turn your baby. All of these crazy tricks and things you can buy to turn your baby. Lots of Internet articles and books on other people's ideas on how to get a baby to turn without going to the hospital. Until today I didn't want to try any of them. But this morning I decided to try the most simple one. When I woke up this morning I grabbed the flashlight next to the bed and shined it on my belly below my belly button for a couple of mins. (this is supposed to make the baby come towards the light) Well it definitely did something. Collin was wiggling and rolling around in my tummy for about five minutes. It was crazy, I never really thought that the light would excite him that much.  So maybe he turned?

Then I go to lunch with my family and I think I must have broke a fever or something like that, or at least that is what it felt like. I was so sweaty, these hormones are driving me crazy.

Next, time to go to the doctor. It was a very short visit, and the shortest wait time ever. I get to see the doctor and she says wow it looks like he is more oblique than transverse that he has turned some and the head is going down. YEAH!!! this is good news. We talk a little more about me being so swollen and being emotional. She makes me feel a lot better. I now have appointments every week, instead of every two weeks.

Now to the crazy part. So after the doctor's office I meet my mom at the Ross store. While we are waiting in line something happens. Collin is moving like crazy. I have to go sit down in the chair at the front of the store and you can see Collin moving down. It hurt really really bad. There was so much pressure I didn't really know what was happening. All these women in the store were staring at me. My mom was worried, she wants to know if I want to go to the hospital. I say no that I can make it. But it really was bad. The women in the store asked if I was going to have the baby. I said no, just in some pain. So as soon as I stand up when my mom brought the car around I could tell, the baby is HEAD DOWN. It feels completely different than before  and everything is really sore. I make it home and off to the couch. I called Josh and told him everything and he still felt like we should call the labor and delivery nurse at the hospital just in case to tell her what happen. I did, and she said it sounded like he dropped and that there would be lots of pressure. That if I started to have contractions to come in, otherwise just take it easy. After talking to everyone, it just made me feel better.

So now, just taking it easy on the couch. Collin is still very active, a wiggle worm in my tummy. It just feels different. So now all we can do it just cross our fingers that he stays this way.

What a day~

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