Today was such a great day. Josh and I went to the doctor first thing this morning. My blood pressure was 116 over 71. And after gaining the weight back that I lost to get to my starting weight, I have gained 6 lbs over that. So not bad!
We then go to the ultrasound lady. She is not very talkative at all. It is like pulling teeth each time Josh and I have seen her. But I don't care. Last time I cried, I was so excited to see him. This time no crying but I was so excited, I had a huge grin on my face the whole time. First she asks us why are having the ultrasound. I told her the doctor wanted to know if we were still transverse. She then tells me after rubbing my belly a little while and we can see Collin on the screen that he is actually breeched. WOW! was not expecting that. Plus when she measured his head it was big. Then she measured his tummy and it was so cute and fat. We got to see Collin's face, he has big chunky cheeks and big lips. So cute. She said his feet were curled up to his head, (kinda like he can suck on his toes) We got to see all of his hands and feet, he looked very healthy. I asked her for a picture, but she said it was hard once they are this big to get a close up picture since they are crammed in there. She did take one, just hard to see if you don't know what you are looking at. Once it was all done she asked my due date. I told her Oct 8th, but the doctor said he would come early. She said yes, because he is already 8 lbs. I was like Oh MY are you serious, I don't think Josh and I were expecting her to say he was that big. But it all makes since though.
So now off to see the doctor. She walked in and said its time to talk about delivery. I just smiled. I told her I had no problem having a C section. She said she thought it was the safest bet. With him being breeched and so big. But that since we are going to have a C section he can stay in there longer to keep developing all his organs. So that means he will be about 9.5 lbs when the next two weeks get here. We talked more about the C section and all that it would intell. I'm not nervous yet she made it sound very simple. She wants to have the baby at 7:30 in the morning on the 29th. So I would need to check in at 5:30am --that's early.
The c section would only take about 1 hour. 30 mins to have the baby and 30 mins to finish with me. She also said that only Josh could be in there with me.
On another note. I have 8 lbs of baby in me, 8 lbs of amniotic fluid and 4lbs of placenta.. all an estimate... but still that means I would lose 20lbs that day... That is kinda nice.
I have been glowing all day. So excited, and I am so happy that Josh got to take the day off with me. I can tell he is really starting to get excited. It is really nice to know a date. It all seems so real. The first thing we did when we got home was start playing with baby stuff. Funny. Plus we told Angel, our dog, "Are you ready Angel, your life is about to change in the next 17 days" it is funny because I don't think she is going to be very excited about a crying baby, when she likes to take naps all day.. :-)
But I can't wait for the new addition to our family.