

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tomorrow - Time to have a baby. - Collin's Birthday

Well my past nine months is coming to an end.

Pregnancy Started 01-01-11
Conception Date 01-13-11
Day we found out 01-30-11

Feb thru June - Morning sickness everyday.
July 1st ended up in the hospital for two days. 
Afterwards, no more morning sickness. Lost 21 lbs over the past six months. 

July till Aug - everything was great. An awesome summer with fun family trips and feeling pretty good. 

Sept - things got a little tough, Collin got really big really fast. It was getting harder getting around, and I became very swollen. Plus in the month of Sept I got really hungry all the time.  

Almost exactly 10 months later, it is time for Collin to arrive.

Tomorrow morning at 5:15am we have to check into Detar North Hospital. Complete some more paper work then off to the second floor. First they will get me all ready for the C section and get our birthing suite all set up. They also will give me my epidural. Then it is time to wait. 7:30am we head to the surgery room and get ready for the c section time and Collin's aarrival.  - After that its all a mystery. Josh and I cannot wait to meet our son.
Lots of pictures and the rest of the story to come later on. I just need to get through the next 24 hours. :-)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

6 more days... Very ready for next Thursday!

So it has been an eventful week. Still not really nervous more like anxious and excited. I have been really tired the past couple of days. One day however I did get up at 5am just to clean. So is that nesting?? But other than than that, super lazy and tired. About every other night I do have contractions still. They are only about 30 mins apart though and they last from 5 hours to maybe just 2 hours. Things are still changing in my tummy though. He must be getting bigger and bigger becuase his rolls and punches feel a lot different. Like he is a lot stronger, if that makes since. Last night I had a very vivid dream about his foot and leg coming out of my belly button. I even put my hand around what would have been his leg, it seemed so real. My skin streching any everything. But then when I woke up this morning my belly was just really sore. Crazy huh? Another new thing that either I can just feel now or that Collin has actually just figured out, is he can stand in my belly. I can feel his two feet down really low. And when he pushes down it makes me want to fall over. OHWW!! All of these sensations may be different things, but that is the best way I can describe them.

So on another note, I know that some people get a door hanger on their hospital door when they have a baby. Something like congratulations, or it's a boy, or the baby's name on it. Some are bought at stores or florist shops but sometimes I have seen them homemade. The problem with all of this is that I did not know it was supposed to be a gift. So I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby this past week to make Collin's.  I mean we (my mom and I) went all out, buying ribbon, wooden letters, a baby wooden tiger to paint, and the wreath that you put it all on. We even bought the sticker letters you put on the ribbon to say how big he is and date and time. The door hanger is amazing. It is super super cute. I told my mom we need to go in the business of making these. Because they sell them at the gift shop for outrageous amounts of money. So a big ooooops on the thought it was supposed to be a gift, but I really like what we made. Plus it is something if I wanted to I could use as a decoration in his room when he comes home. I told Josh, Collin was going to have the best door hanger in the hospital, he just laughed.  So here are some of the pics, we still need to glue the ribbons to the back but you can get the idea.

Here we are at 39 weeks this morning. Big Belly and All.

The next 6 days I hope go by fast, this weekend we have a party on Saturday, football on Sunday, Baby Dr appointment Monday, Lab Work up to be done on Tuesday. Wed just be nervous, then Thursday he will be here.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Up all night, and feelin it this morning - 13 more days

Yesterday was a busy day. First my cousin bought some furniture so she needed to borrow my truck to take it home. Then we went out to eat for lunch, Mexican food, yum! Then here is where it got bad, I decided to go to Target. OH MY. They were having a huge sale. I mean 75% off all of there home stuff. Sheets, towels, pillows, blankets, pictures, rugs, it was a lot. Well the good thing for Josh is I really didn't need anything, but I did call my cousin and my mom and well lets say I had a blast spending their money. I would take pictures with my phone and send them and they would say yes or no. But the problem is I was on my feet for like 2 and half hours. They got some great deals but I was super tired.

So later I went home and waited for Josh to get off work and my cousin and my mom came by to pick up all their stuff. They were super happy with everything.

Josh and I went to Subway for supper and watched some tv, then it was time for bed. Well Collin was not ready. I had my first full night of Contractions. Boy did they hurt. They started around 11:30 till about 5:30 this morning. They were about 45 mins apart and lasted about 2 to 3 mins each. But each time it woke me up and hurt pretty bad. I called a friend of mine this morning and she said it was false labor that it was perfectly normal, that my body was just getting ready. But I am paying for it this morning my tummy muscles are sore!!!

I am getting more and more excited for him to get here. I feel like Collin is getting bigger each minute. I went to the doctor Monday, but I already feel bigger. Collin still is moving around alot, I dont see how though since my child is already 8lbs or more. Insane!!! I am a little nervous though about the C Section. I think it is all sinking in. So if anyone has any tips or advice about a C Section, I will take it. I have watched about 40 C Sections on YouTube, so I know what they are going to do, just I'm nervous. Please email me or send me a facebook message.

Next Doctor's appointment is Monday, keep everyone posted.

Aug 28th
 Sept 1st
 Sept 11th

Monday, September 12, 2011

17 more days and we will have a BABY!!!

Today was such a great day. Josh and I went to the doctor first thing this morning. My blood pressure was 116 over 71. And after gaining the weight back that I lost to get to my starting weight, I have gained 6 lbs over that. So not bad!

We then go to the ultrasound lady. She is not very talkative at all. It is like pulling teeth each time Josh and I have seen her. But I don't care. Last time I cried, I was so excited to see him. This time no crying but I was so excited, I had a huge grin on my face the whole time. First she asks us why are having the ultrasound. I told her the doctor wanted to know if we were still transverse. She then tells me after rubbing my belly a little while and we can see Collin on the screen that he is actually breeched. WOW! was not expecting that. Plus when she measured his head it was big. Then she measured his tummy and it was so cute and fat. We got to see Collin's face, he has big chunky cheeks and big lips. So cute. She said his feet were curled up to his head, (kinda like he can suck on his toes) We got to see all of his hands and feet, he looked very healthy. I asked her for a picture, but she said it was hard once they are this big to get a close up picture since they are crammed in there. She did take one, just hard to see if you don't know what you are looking at. Once it was all done she asked my due date. I told her Oct 8th, but the doctor said he would come early. She said yes, because he is already 8 lbs. I was like Oh MY are you serious, I don't think Josh and I were expecting her to say he was that big. But it all makes since though.

So now off to see the doctor. She walked in and said its time to talk about delivery. I just smiled. I told her I had no problem having a C section. She said she thought it was the safest bet. With him being breeched and so big. But that since we are going to have a C section he can stay in there longer to keep developing all his organs. So that means he will be about 9.5 lbs when the next two weeks get here. We talked more about the C section and all that it would intell. I'm not nervous yet she made it sound very simple.  She wants to have the baby at 7:30 in the morning on the 29th. So I would need to check in at 5:30am --that's early.

The c section would only take about 1 hour.  30 mins to have the baby and 30 mins to finish with me. She also said that only Josh could be in there with me.

On another note. I have 8 lbs of baby in me, 8 lbs of amniotic fluid and 4lbs of placenta.. all an estimate... but still that means I would lose 20lbs that day... That is kinda nice.

I have been glowing all day. So excited, and I am so happy that Josh got to take the day off with me. I can tell he is really starting to get excited. It is really nice to know a date. It all seems so real. The first thing we did when we got home was start playing with baby stuff. Funny. Plus we told Angel, our dog, "Are you ready Angel, your life is about to change in the next 17 days" it is funny because I don't think she is going to be very excited about a crying baby, when she likes to take naps all day.. :-) 

But I can't wait for the new addition to our family.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The most eventful day...4 more weeks

So I have been reading a lot lately about things  you can do to turn your baby. All of these crazy tricks and things you can buy to turn your baby. Lots of Internet articles and books on other people's ideas on how to get a baby to turn without going to the hospital. Until today I didn't want to try any of them. But this morning I decided to try the most simple one. When I woke up this morning I grabbed the flashlight next to the bed and shined it on my belly below my belly button for a couple of mins. (this is supposed to make the baby come towards the light) Well it definitely did something. Collin was wiggling and rolling around in my tummy for about five minutes. It was crazy, I never really thought that the light would excite him that much.  So maybe he turned?

Then I go to lunch with my family and I think I must have broke a fever or something like that, or at least that is what it felt like. I was so sweaty, these hormones are driving me crazy.

Next, time to go to the doctor. It was a very short visit, and the shortest wait time ever. I get to see the doctor and she says wow it looks like he is more oblique than transverse that he has turned some and the head is going down. YEAH!!! this is good news. We talk a little more about me being so swollen and being emotional. She makes me feel a lot better. I now have appointments every week, instead of every two weeks.

Now to the crazy part. So after the doctor's office I meet my mom at the Ross store. While we are waiting in line something happens. Collin is moving like crazy. I have to go sit down in the chair at the front of the store and you can see Collin moving down. It hurt really really bad. There was so much pressure I didn't really know what was happening. All these women in the store were staring at me. My mom was worried, she wants to know if I want to go to the hospital. I say no that I can make it. But it really was bad. The women in the store asked if I was going to have the baby. I said no, just in some pain. So as soon as I stand up when my mom brought the car around I could tell, the baby is HEAD DOWN. It feels completely different than before  and everything is really sore. I make it home and off to the couch. I called Josh and told him everything and he still felt like we should call the labor and delivery nurse at the hospital just in case to tell her what happen. I did, and she said it sounded like he dropped and that there would be lots of pressure. That if I started to have contractions to come in, otherwise just take it easy. After talking to everyone, it just made me feel better.

So now, just taking it easy on the couch. Collin is still very active, a wiggle worm in my tummy. It just feels different. So now all we can do it just cross our fingers that he stays this way.

What a day~