

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2 Months Old - News...

Yesterday was Collin's 2 month birthday. We woke up at 8:30 had a bottle then went back to sleep till 10am. We got him dressed and out the door we went. We went to Hall Lighting and picked up some presents for Nana and Alberta then we went across the street to Shop the World, love that store, it has really pretty Christmas stuff. Then it was time for us to meet Nana and Alberta for Lunch. It was their birthdays too. Collin slept through the shopping part, but of course as soon as we got to eat, he wanted to eat. This always happens. I think he smells the food and gets hungry. We had a great time at lunch, then it was time to go see his Daddy. We went by his work and Collin got to see all of his co workers. They all think he looks like Josh, but I still see a little bit of me. While walking around Josh's work I guess Collin needed to burp again and I did not have a burp cloth on me, so he got me good. I was covered in baby puke. Lovely... Now it was time to go home and I only had to rock him for just a little while and he was ready to take a nap. (so was this mommy) We slept from 3:30 to 5:30. Whoo Hoo. I needed that. The rest of the night went really well. He was a little fussy from 10 to 12:30 but not too bad.

He is still sleeping at night 3 to 4 hours at a time. Sometimes I get 5 hours but not often. During the day he takes 2 hour naps. He is still drinking 4oz bottles about every 3 hours. He is wearing 3 mons clothes. He is very long and can even sometimes fit in 6 mons clothes. Collin still does not like bath time at ALL.. He screams until you wrap in back in a towel, maybe one day he will like it. He loves to stand when you are holding him. And he is getting very strong. When he is on his tummy, he is able to use his elbows and push himself up. Also he has learned to scoot when he is on his tummy. You can put him on one end of the blanket and before you know it, he can make it to the other side. The doctor had to push back his 2 month apt to the 12 of December and then it is time for his shots. I really hope it goes well.

Big weekend a head of us, going to Goliad for the Christmas Parade and then Christmas at the square on Saturday here in Victoria. Going to take lots of pictures, Collin is dressing up as an elf... :-)

Collin Standing
 Collin taking a nap on mommy
 Happy Baby - just changed his diaper
 fell asleep getting ready to go to lunch
 Collin and Nana
 Collin and Alberta
 Very full after a bottle.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A big boy!!

So we have really been working on this sleeping thing. Most nights he would just end up in bed with us. And I know most people are against it. However, I don't mind I just don't want him to get used to it. Plus I don't sleep very good when he is with us. So... I have been trying to put him down on his own, in his own bed and last night it worked!!! 5 hours in his bed. Had a bottle then went back down again. Yay!! Then this morning from 6 to 8 he wanted to play. So I did, I was just so happy he slept in his bed at night. Going to try for round two tonight.

His play time is changing alot. He is more alert each day. He loves for you to hold him so he can stand. If you make him sit, he sticks out the bottom lip and fusses. Too cute. Make him stand again and he is happy. Plus we are starting to get grins out of him. No big smiles yet, but you can tell when he is happy.

I can't believe he is almost 2 months old. Time goes by so fast.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

6 Weeks Old and some FUN.

We have been busy lately. Josh had his 30th birthday this past weekend. We went to Houston for the night. My first night away from Collin. I did okay, I cried twice on the way to Houston, I missed him so much. But once we got there things got better. We went to St Arnold's Brewery, 300 Bowling Alley, The Galleria, Chili's, Rajin Cajun, and then we ended at Little Woodrow's. It was a blast and Josh had a great time. We stayed the night at the Doubletree Hotel at the Galleria.  Overall great weekend.

Collin did really good with my mom for Saturday night. She said that he had one rough hour, from 8 to 9pm but otherwise a good baby. A big thanks to my mom for keeping him over night.

Some new things about Collin. Still GROWING UP TOO FAST for this mommy.. :-)

He had his 6 week check up last Thursday.
He weighs 10lbs 13oz and is 22 inches long.
He is still eating 3 to 4 oz every 2 1/2 hours.
Enfamil Newborn Formula. (he likes it)
As of yesterday, I have stopped breastfeeding. It took about a week, but I just slowly stopped. Reducing each day the amount of times I fed him. He seems happy though. I think it was a good transition.
Collin has also found his tongue. It is so cute, he will sit there for a good 30 mins sticking his tongue in and out and plays. He will also suck on his pacifier for longer periods of time. Before it would last about 5 mins max, now he can suck on the pacifier until he is ready to spit it out. 
He is still only sleeping 2 to 3 hours at a time. Some nights it is just 2 hours each time, but every once in a while we get 3 hours. AND last night we got 3 and half hours twice. So he only woke up twice through the night. YAY.
We are also getting more and more smiles when he is sleeping. I really hope he smiles soon when he is awake. I can't wait.

Going to post some of the pictures from the past week.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day to Day - 5 Weeks today

The last time I posted, Collin and I both had a cold. Well I feel a lot better and Collin is getting better too. He is still a little congested when he wakes up in the morning, but throughout the day he sounds a lot better. We had a great Halloween. Collin was dressed up as a little monster and we had a ton of trick or treaters come to the house. The costumes this year were so cute. Something I did notice though, was that families were dressing up together. We had a family that were all the characters of Toy Story 3, Wizard of OZ and even a ship full of pirates. I can't wait to be able to do that with Collin. I just hope that Josh is up for the challenge. Next week is a big week. Josh is turning 30 on Friday. We are going to Houston for the weekend, and Collin is staying with Grandma and Grandpa. First time to be away overnight. A little nervous, but I have a week to get ready. :-)