He is still sleeping at night 3 to 4 hours at a time. Sometimes I get 5 hours but not often. During the day he takes 2 hour naps. He is still drinking 4oz bottles about every 3 hours. He is wearing 3 mons clothes. He is very long and can even sometimes fit in 6 mons clothes. Collin still does not like bath time at ALL.. He screams until you wrap in back in a towel, maybe one day he will like it. He loves to stand when you are holding him. And he is getting very strong. When he is on his tummy, he is able to use his elbows and push himself up. Also he has learned to scoot when he is on his tummy. You can put him on one end of the blanket and before you know it, he can make it to the other side. The doctor had to push back his 2 month apt to the 12 of December and then it is time for his shots. I really hope it goes well.
Big weekend a head of us, going to Goliad for the Christmas Parade and then Christmas at the square on Saturday here in Victoria. Going to take lots of pictures, Collin is dressing up as an elf... :-)
Collin Standing
Collin taking a nap on mommy
Happy Baby - just changed his diaper
fell asleep getting ready to go to lunch
Collin and Nana
Collin and Alberta
Very full after a bottle.